We've been busy!
Sorry for not updating quite frequently..
We're in the midst of revamping the whole website.
So, in the meantime, enjoy the pics of our recent Photoshoot of the new lines with new shoulder style (which we still need a name here..).
This new shoulder style is lightly padded / lightly cushioned to give you come comfort on the shoulder while wearing your baby.
If you have ideas on naming this new shoulder style, please email us at jumpsac at gmail dot com to share your ideas with us.
We've already started selling these new lines, and yes, they are restockable.
If you're interested in purchasing these ring slings, please email us at jumpsac at gmail dot com for prices.
Alrite, enjoy the pics!

Wah, wah, wah! Itu Farrahar ker? Ker orang lain? He,he...
itu farrahar... hehe :P
Hmm nice!
hi jetsetter,
we've moved to http://jumpsacbaby.com
Do visit us there :)
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