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via email at jumpsac at gmaildotcom
Purchasing & Shipping
Please email us these info: Item #: Name of item: Price: Your name: Your address: Your contact no: Extra info:
Payment option: 1. Maybank2u (email us for account info)
2. Paypal (yes, we do accept Paypal - if you happen to be outside of Malaysia. Email us for our Paypal account address. Please cover the 3.3% fee charged by Paypal if you pay using Credit Card. We will send you a 'Request For Money' if you're using this method of payment)
Shipping: All items are located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We will ship to you using Pos Ekspres/PosLaju anywhere within Malaysia. Please email us for quote. International buyers, email us for international shipping quote.
We will ship to you the next working day, after payment is received.
All sales are final. If you have any questions, please ask beforehand.
Buy with confidence.
Convenience Is Key
Your baby wants to be cuddled yet again... And the stroller, rocker, swing just doesn't help this time round. You don't want to dissappoint your little one. But your hands are fatigued from carrying over time... And you need to get things done as well! Arghh the dilemma! Tell us about it!
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